EPAT/SHOCKWAVE THERAPY®: Exciting Developments for Your Foot Health

EPAT/SHOCKWAVE THERAPY® is a groundbreaking, non-invasive, FDA-approved, and highly effective treatment for your feet.


Many patients experience a significant and immediate reduction in pain, while for others, relief may take a bit longer.

EPAT® (Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Treatment) represents the fusion of science and technology for the benefit of your feet. This FDA-approved technology has been proven to accelerate the healing process for painful foot and ankle conditions. EPAT® effectively speeds up the recovery of soft tissue injuries and provides relief from common, painful conditions such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis.

Essentially, EPAT® enhances blood circulation and accelerates the healing process, causing damaged tissue to gradually regenerate and heal. The machine delivers non-invasive, low-frequency (8-12 Hz) acoustic sound waves into the affected area. These sound waves act as pressure, penetrating deeply through your soft tissue. The energy triggers the cells in the soft tissue to release specific biochemicals that stimulate and amplify the body’s natural healing process, partly by increasing the nutrient flow to the chronically injured area.

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Insertional Achilles Tendonitis
  • Achilles Tendinosis
  • Tendinosis of the Foot and Ankle
  •  Chronic Heel Pain
  • Acute and Chronic Muscle Pain
  • Morton’s Neuroma of the Foot
  • Plantar Plate Tears
The EPAT® machine is compact and features an attachment resembling an ultrasound wand.

Typically, treatments are administered once a week for a series of 3 to 6 sessions. Each treatment lasts approximately 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the number and size of the areas being treated.

Typically, the treatment is not painful, though some patients may experience slight discomfort.

Many patients experience significant and immediate pain relief, while for others, the relief may take longer to manifest.

How can I determine if EPAT® is suitable for me?

EPAT® is noninvasive and boasts a very high success rate, making it an excellent alternative to traditional methods. Unlike surgery, which carries risks of infection and scar tissue, as well as requiring anesthesia and extended recovery time, EPAT® offers a safer and more efficient treatment option.

Contact us for more information or book an appointment